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Visualisation - Its nuances and application 

Stand tall on a windswept mountain peak,

gazing upon a vast valley shrouded in mist.

Below, your goals shimmer like distant islands, each a beacon of possibility.

As the mist clears, see one island vividly: your most cherished ambition.

Its shores glimmer with vibrant details – the diploma earned, the book published, the stage conquered. Feel the exhilaration of reaching its summit, the sun warm on your face, the wind singing your victory.

Now, trace back the path, a winding trail built from smaller steps – milestones, actions, daily choices.

Each step, however small, is a bridge leading you closer. Take a deep breath, feeling the power of intention surge through you. Begin your descent, each step echoing with purpose, until you stand at the valley's edge, ready to write your own legend.

This is an example of a visualisation routine, that can be felt within deeply - to Achieve Goals. 

Close your eyes. Feel the warm sun on your skin as you walk barefoot through a lush meadow. Breathe in the scent of wildflowers and hear the gentle buzzing of bees. Butterflies flit past in a kaleidoscope of colors. A cool stream gurgles nearby, inviting you to dip your toes. In this peaceful haven, worries melt away, replaced by pure serenity. Open your eyes feeling refreshed and renewed.

Here is another one - to destress.

"Seek beyond the forms for your light lies there. - Rumi"
This speaks to finding truth and essence beyond the surface, which could be interpreted as looking within through visualization to discover one's inner potential.


A powerful Visualisation - yoganidra can take you on a transformative journey, leaving you feeling deeply relaxed, connected, and empowered.

Some of the key qualities that contribute to its potency:

Vividness and Sensory Detail:

  • Move into a Paradigm of  Be, Do, Have, than get stuck in chasing Do, Have, Be and Have, Do, Be

  • Engaging Imagery: The visualisations should be clear, evocative, and engage multiple senses. Imagine lush landscapes, soothing sounds, or comforting textures to fully immerse yourself in the experience.

  • Emotional Resonance: Choose imagery that resonates with your current needs and desires. Visualise yourself conquering a challenge, finding inner peace, or connecting with loved ones to tap into powerful emotions.

  • Connecting with the spirit of the 

  • Personalisation:
    Make the visualisation your own. Use details and references that are familiar and meaningful to you for a deeper impact.

Structure and Guidance:

  • Clear Progression: The visualisation should have a beginning, middle, and end, guiding you through different stages of relaxation and awareness. This could involve moving through different parts of the body, exploring inner landscapes, or completing symbolic actions.

  • Gentle Pacing: Allow enough time for each step of the visualization to unfold. Don't rush the process, but let your mind and body fully absorb the imagery and sensations.

  • Skillful Language: The narration should be calming, soothing, and use evocative language to paint vivid pictures in your mind.

Inner Exploration and Reflection:

  • Openness and Curiosity: Have an open mind and be receptive to whatever arises. Allow yourself to explore the inner landscape without judgment or expectation.

  • Mindfulness and Awareness: Pay attention to the sensations, emotions, and thoughts that arise during the visualisation. This can offer valuable insights into your inner world and current state.

  • Integration and Action: A gentle return to awareness and reflect on the experience. Consider setting an intention or taking some action in your waking life inspired by the insights gained.


The Visualisation and its application program @ Pavithram help you build powerful, robust, potent routines that can help you march forward in life with vigour and flow.  In this program you will be going through foundation building, application and purpose, visualisation nuances, techniques and skills, and build routines for yourself and others. 

​Facilitated by Prasad Naveen

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