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Shadow work / Labs

The practice of exploring and integrating those aspects of ourselves we deem unacceptable or undesirable, can be a powerful and transformative space for self-development. It's like venturing into the "basement" of your psyche, confronting the cobwebs and dust-covered boxes, and ultimately bringing them into the light for inspection and integration.

Here are some ways shadow work can contribute to self-development:

Increased self-awareness: By acknowledging and examining our shadow traits, we gain a deeper understanding of our motivations, patterns, and triggers. This self-awareness empowers us to make conscious choices and break free from unconscious compulsions.

Emotional healing: Many negative emotions like anger, shame, and resentment stem from repressed shadow aspects. Through shadow work, we can safely explore these emotions, release their energy, and heal the underlying wounds.

Improved relationships: We all project our shadow onto others, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. Shadow work allows us to recognise and take responsibility for our projections, fostering healthier and more authentic connections.

Greater authenticity: By accepting and integrating our shadow, we shed the masks and personas we wear to be "acceptable." This allows us to live more authentically and express our true selves, leading to greater self-esteem and fulfilment.

Enhanced creativity: The shadow is a treasure trove of raw energy and uncensored thoughts. When we unlock this energy, we tap into a wellspring of creativity and can express ourselves in unique and powerful ways.

Personal empowerment: By facing our shadow and integrating it, we reclaim our power. We no longer allow our hidden fears and insecurities to control us, but instead, we become the masters of our own inner world.

However, shadow work isn't always easy.

It can be challenging to confront our darker sides and deal with uncomfortable emotions. 

Shadow Lab: Group Therapy with Shadow Work: Unmasking and Integrating Together

Group therapy with a focus on shadow work can be a deeply transformative experience. It takes the self-exploration inherent in shadow work and adds the element of shared vulnerability and support within a group setting.


Imagine venturing into your "psychic basement" not alone, but with a group of fellow adventurers, each with their own hidden corners to illuminate.

Amplified Self-Awareness, as a gift from others work: Witnessing others grapple with their shadows can reflect aspects of your own you might not have recognised. This shared vulnerability creates a space for collective learning and deeper insights into the human experience.

Enhanced Support and Acceptance: The group becomes a safe container for expressing your shadow, free from judgment. You receive validation and encouragement from others who understand the challenges of facing your darkness.

Richer Perspectives: Diverse experiences within the group offer different angles on shadow work. You gain valuable insights from others' journeys, expanding your understanding of the human psyche and your own place within it.

Collective Healing: As individuals release their shadows, the group dynamic shifts. Forgiveness, compassion, and acceptance spread, creating a ripple effect of healing that extends beyond the therapy room.

Practical Techniques and Sharing: Group therapy often incorporates guided meditations, collective exercises and games, and other therapeutic tools specifically designed for shadow work. You learn from each other's experiences and discover new approaches to confront your own shadow.

Finding Common Ground: Despite individual differences, shadow work reveals the universal human struggles we all face. This shared humanity fosters a deep sense of connection and belonging within the group.

Group therapy shadow Lab also presents unique challenges:

Vulnerability and Trust: Opening up about your shadow can feel daunting, especially in a group setting.

Pavithram facilitators are skills enough to help participants build trust and provide a safe space for participants to feel comfortable exploring their darkness and light it up.

Triggering Experiences: Sharing your shadow may unintentionally trigger others' own unresolved issues. Careful navigation and skilled facilitation from Pavithram is a plus point in the Shadow Labs. 

Maintaining Individual Focus: While group dynamics offer valuable insights, it's important to ensure individual shadow work receives sufficient attention. Pavithram's facilitation can strike a balance between group exploration and individual needs.

If you're considering group therapy with shadow Lab, here are some tips:

  • Set clear intentions: What do you hope to achieve through shadow work? Having a clear goal can help you navigate the process and track your progress.

  • Communicate openly: Share your needs and limitations with the therapist and group members. Open communication fosters trust and creates a supportive environment.

  • Be patient and kind: Shadow work is a journey, not a destination. Give yourself and others time and space to explore the depths of your psyche.​

Facilitated by Prasad Naveen

Participants Voice:

This lab was yet another experience of amazing oneness of the group working towards uncovering shadows.

Literally power-packed 3 days!

Through various processes I saw and experienced power in various aspects. Power of intimacy, that genuine deep heartfelt connection , power of anger, power of acceptance, Power of sensing, Power of truthful and authentic expression, Power of nurturing, Power of aspiration!

I also learnt to deal with bodily dullness and stuckness with simple movements. 

For me it was also an experimentation of structure and flow, preparedness and spontaneity. 

Thank you Prasad for holding the space, enabling the flow and even shaking at right times ! 

Thank you all the members for being so open and genuinely participating in everything. It helped me let out my emotions without any hesitation and regain my power :)



Genuinely one of the best workshops I’ve attended and will remain close to my heart always.

This was guiding star when i needed the most in my life.  specially to mention about Prasad is open, low key and thoughtful, he is nothing to prove, no need to hear his own voice, plenty to show and say, doing his best to be of service to the us.

The shadow lab sessions were wonderful and completely thought provoking. Very easy to understand all processes and it was just the right mix of theory, demonstration, and anecdotes.

Though didn’t have much of expectations when I came to shadow lab, but my takeaway is for a lifetime. 

Will cherish memories this memory always. 

Thanks all and Prasad for all the love and care 


This shadow lab was like peeling off a few layers and finding a treasure chest of lightness and love inside. I am seeing a difference in my interactions with family. It doesn't feel that hard anymore. It feels cheerful and light. 

There is an acceptance of my self and so, the others around me also. 

The last few days after shadow lab have been filled with travel but all the other rest of the time has been about resting and taking in the experience of three days.

Thank you so much Prasad for guiding and asking the right questions that started off a churning inside. All that churning those three days is slowly bringing a settlement inside. I am so in awe of how you know exactly when to hold hands gently and also when to knock us down so we can recognise our power and stand up for ourselves 

Thank you so much to the group for supporting me in my process, for hugging me from the outside and in. 

So much love and bum shaking hugs,


I realised the power of togetherness and got to know about varied new perspectives. It has helped me open up and given me strength to face the unknown. There is clarity in a lot of areas which I did not planned to work with but happened naturally, would really like to stay with this and explore more about myself. It has been very revealing, healing and has brought clarity and peace in thoughts. It's like a start of a new journey and feels like a lot of doors have openned up for me. Thanks a lot Prasad and Siva for having this shadow lab, looking forward to more.

I have leveled up in my awareness level to whatever is happening in me and my life at present. This lab has given me a good understanding of myself which has answered so many questions in me.  Excellent co ordination, facilitation, well connected team work. I would say for much peaceful living pls go attend one of these.


Experiencing what love means. Realising the presence of the inner voice that comes from a place of silence. Understanding my need to connect with the unknown. Realising not to play certain games and to not get into certain cycles. Seeing the house that I want to create for me.
Cried until there were no tears left.
Felt extremely supported by you during the process and generally as well, Prasad. I was amazed at how you could maintain your energy level and be involved in everyone's process right from 7AM to 10PM. Especially during the final day! I'm extremely thankful and grateful for everything that happened in my life for the universe to lead me to this moment, to meeting you, to being a part of this. 🙏🏼 The entire experience was amazing. Right from the processing, to the support, food, venue, to the people. A lot of potential uncovered and a lot of potential still remains! The memory of these days will stay with me for the rest of my life.

I understood the subtlety behind various actions. It has brought that to light and built more awareness on how I can consciously stop it.  Overall, an amazing experience!  It brings in more perspectives to what is otherwise seen with a narrow view.

I understood the blocks where I was unknowingly getting into rather than focusing on the goals or intentions ,and how much energy n focus was wasted on the problems. It has built a huge awareness. Also I am glad to healing abilities that I have and can be used.  I would definitely recommend shadow lab to anyone who wants to work on themselves.For me It brought out unknown parts into our awareness, which had become the treasures for development and stability, lost many fears n weights which I did not know existed . Feels free and much more connected to self

I am able to see the jumbling up and the resulting paralysis inside me. I am able to separate things I can deal with myself and am able to ask for help when I need. I felt loved and connected with everyone in the lab. I take away clarity and a deep sense of gratitude and belongingness. I found my voice. I vouch to give back in the best of my capacity. I am still processing whatever came up during the lab and I feel supported.
Veena Pai

Behaviour Patterns that caused a lot of choas in my life was implemented by myself and hence recognising some of them, was absolutely a feeling of victory. It was completely life changing. I had a roller coaster of emotions. But I feel like a changed person. I am more optimistic than I was before the Shadow Lab. I am suddenly looking forward to the unknown, rather than the dread and oblivious feelings I had before.


Shadow really was intense for me. The overall process & the trek experience in a way heightened all my senses & emotions. I feel more present & conscious in the moment & able to understand different perspectives. The space & the group was blessed with Grace indeed. Shadow lab is for someone who really wants to look within, discover his/her core self & sincerely wants to work on oneself. A roller coaster of emotions. It is intense & gives opportunity to contemplate and work on different aspects and issues along with the groups support and strength. The process is fun & profound together and at the end can prove to be life altering.

Shadow Lab - Insight about the true me. In all degrees of emotions and hidden thoughts it was operated. Realization was significant enough to heads up and walk towards life. Disease is doesn't arise from the Body, it starts from mind play. You can heal your mind find its true nature and then operate with it. This happens in Shadow lab! Than wandering to find your spirit, its all inside you, and many others are in the same path, your not alone! You share and receive your energies to find it from many around you - Eventually changes happens inside. Experience the each roles the universe gives you.!

It was becoming more and more of what I am. Disarming and integrating parts that were unknowingly allowed to be possessed by external forces.

Shadow lab helped me understand and strengthen my home (Boucher). It filled me with lots of love, warmth, strength.. I am able to understand different perspectives by playing different roles. The love, togetherness of our group helped us towards the quest for common goal to grow within and overcome our difficulties within...

Gods n demons are within me. I have been reading about it in books but in shadow lab, i experienced it. World and people around me are there to remind me demons but what about God. I got glimpse of God and Divinity within me. It helps me turning inward, to know myself better, looking from higher perspective brought down the self centeredness and help me to experience that i am part of the whole.

it was instant , very intense , trustful to open up and to be at ease, nourishing ,mile stone , home coming & so overwhelming both mentally & physically...symbol on the transition path. For me 'shadow lab' is a hard found Oasis after a long exhausted journey ...its is definitely abundant in every sense...
Hari Prakaash

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