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Participant's voice about Pavithram

Pavithram added value to my life and it made me feel like my life is not any less important. Lovely and inviting space. Call it home!

Pavithram is a symbol of love, strength, and evolution to me. I can be a kid or an adult without being judged for who I am. It brings me closer to my true self by being with others. It's an umbrella that is steady and grounded in any storm, beneath which I feel safe and strong. It is an evolving universe that keeps evolving by creating an opportunity for me to evolve and a whole community to evolve.  Thanks to the divine for giving me an opportunity to be a part of the Pavithram family.

Pavithram is a space that has enabled various powers in me that I was unaware of. It feels like opening a new page that holds a lot of knowledge every time I connect with Pavithram.   Lots of gratitude 

Pavithram is a center. In that center, there is grounding and space. The grounding enables stability and focus. The space allows for expansion. I feel a silent touch of warmth and love every time I connect with Pavithram.  Much gratitude for the opportunity to be connected with Pavithram

Pavithram to me is what the vastness is to an eagle. The vastness provides the bird with space to spread its wings and soar high above the clouds. It also exposes the eagle to the challenges of the elements - heat from the sun, harsh rain, and stormy winds. The eagle learns its strength and keeps flying higher and longer each day. Pavithram has helped me find my wings and expand through my challenges.

Pavithram has been my safe space. A frequent direction for my path. She has taught me to accept myself as I am and start growing right from where I stand.

Pavithram is home to me. It has truly nurtured and taken care of me in ways I didn’t think possible and it has also enabled me to uncover my own strengths and potential. It’s a space of purity and love where I feel completely safe and belonged. It’s also a place where I receive abundant knowledge that is so instrumental in my own spiritual evolution. I feel truly blessed to be a part of this space. So much gratitude 

As I sat in contemplation about what"Pavithram means to me", I wondered if it was the place or the space. It is beyond the physical dimensions for me, a place and space of familiarity, deep connections, exploration, and expansion. It is an anchor and a secure base, a mother's hand which is always held out, ready to receive the outstretched hands of a wandering child, with love.

Pavithram is 

- Trust 

- helps in discovering ourself .

- Helps in recognizing our inner capabilities for joyful living .

- Boosting confidence in people and helping them  to evolve into better "Human Beings "

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