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The Sanskrit word "dharayantram" is indeed rich in its etymology and offers fascinating insights into its meaning and usage. 

Dhara (धार): This root holds several meanings, including "to hold, bear, carry, support, possess, maintain, keep." 

This core idea of holding or maintaining is relevant to both meanings of Dharayantram - the spinning wheel holding and spinning thread, and the vortex holding and swirling energy.

Dha (धा): This is the verbal root, carrying the action of holding or maintaining.

Ra (र): This suffix forms nouns.

Ya (य): This suffix connects the elements and adds a slight emphasis or extension to the meaning.

ntram (न्त्रम्): This suffix is common in Sanskrit words signifying instruments or tools.

"Dharayantram" literally translates to "that which holds or maintains [something]." Depending on the context, this "something" can be:

In the context of spinning, Dharayantram refers to the instrument that holds and maintains the thread as it's spun, hence the spinning wheel meaning.

In figurative or mythological contexts, dharayantram symbolizes the cosmic vortex, the core that holds and maintains the swirling energy of the universe.

"Dhara" is also linked to the concept of Dharma, which implies upholding righteousness and maintaining cosmic order with - in and out. This adds another layer of meaning to dharayantram, suggesting a tool or force that keeps things spinning (literally or metaphorically) in the right direction.

The usage of "ntram" further emphasizes the idea of dharayantram as a specific instrument or tool, crucial for performing its intended function.

When we speak about Dharayantram, we always remember Ma Ganga. 
The essence of Ma Ganga, the holy river Ganges, runs deep and multifaceted, weaving its way through the heart of India and the souls of its people. To capture its essence is to grasp at the threads of history, spirituality, culture, and life itself. 

The "Dharayantram" program, named after the Sanskrit word for "dwelling in righteousness" or the "Instrument through which the flow happens" is a fascinating exploration of inner divinity and its manifestation in the outer world. It delves into the profound idea of bridging the gap between our internal light and external actions, creating a seamless union where shadows have no room
to linger.


Diving into the Depths of Divinity:

Imagine the core of our being as a luminous wellspring of divine potential.
Dharayantram Mandala encourages us to dive deep into this well, unearthing the treasures hidden within. Through introspection, meditation, and perhaps even spiritual practices tailored to individual needs, we can awaken this inner radiance and nurture its growth.

Building a Bridge to the World:

The Program helps the participants in building a bridge that connectsto the external world. This bridge takes the form of a "Union," a harmonious blend of our inner light with our outward actions. We learn to express our divinity through our choices, relationships, and contributions to the world.

No Room for Shadows:
In this Union, where our inner and outer worlds are aligned, shadows are not relevent, the relationship with them is not addressed since this is a path of light and illumination. The darkness only thrives in separation, in the gaps between our intentions and our actions. By bridging these gaps, we create an environment where negativity struggles to find footholds. Let the Sun within shine forth. 

Structure and Rituals:

Just like the mighty Ganges carves its course towards the Bay of Bengal, the "Dharayantram" program provides a framework for this journey. It offers an understanding of the structure and rituals that serve as stepping stones on the path to Union.

These practices could include:

  • Regular meditation and prayer: Daily dedication to practices that focus the mind and connect us to our inner light.
  • Mindful action: Cultivating awareness of our choices and aligning them with our core values.
  • Service and compassion: Extending our inner light outward through acts of kindness and contribution to the world.
  • Creative expression: Using art, music, or other forms of creativity to channel our inner divinity.
  • Amplifying the senses
  • Exploring the physical realm etc.

Flowing like the Ganges:

The program's ultimate goal is to create a seamless flow from our inner core, like the mighty Ganges, towards the vastness of the world. Just as the river nourishes the lands it touches, our embodied divinity can have a transformative impact on our surroundings.

May your journey be filled with light, purpose, and the unwavering flow of divine energy.

Facilitated by Prasad Naveen

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